Linking individual genetic variation to principles of good nutrition. Assessment of gene variants that influence how the body uses vitamins and micronutrients
The genetic tests of the Health & Wellness line are dedicated to those who want to regain health and well-being. Thanks to the information contained in our DNA, it is possible to study a personalized food plan to prevent cardiovascular damage, regain a healthy weight and control the risk factors that predispose to various diseases.
The Intolerance line is designed to detect the genetic predisposition to the most common food intolerances and sensitivities (e.g. predisposition to celiac disease, lactose intolerance, fructose intolerance, sensitivity to caffeine, sensitivity to sulphites, etc.) offering the basis to the nutritionist to suggest a personalized food plan.
The genetic tests of the Active Sport line make it possible to extend the concept of "personalized" medicine to the area of nutrition dedicated to athletes. Through the study of some genetic variants, it is possible to reduce the risk of injury and increase the level of performance by adopting measures and integrating the diet in a targeted way.
During the weaning period, the child may present specific symptoms following the ingestion of certain food substances. The test of the NutriAdvance Baby line reveals the genetic predisposition to the most known intolerances in pediatric age and allows the specialist to take rapid action by suggesting the most suitable diet for the child's needs. The test identifies the sensitivity and intolerance to some important foods introduced into the baby's diet during weaning. It includes tests for predisposition to celiac disease, lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance.
Food sensitivities and intolerances in patients affected by cancer can have very severe consequences as there is a risk of aggravating the already existing state of inflammation or malnutrition. The genetic test of the Onco Line aims to identify the genetic variants that cause differences in the phenotypic response to the foods eaten or to the molecules contained in the excipients of some drugs. The test identify the most debilitating sensitivities and intolerances for the patient affected by cancer. It includes tests for caffeine sensitivity, lactose intolerance, predisposition to celiac disease, sensitivity to sulphites.