Latest News

ENTEROBIOME: the most advanced test for the health of the intestinal microbiota

GENOMICA is pleased to present ENTEROBIOME, the most advanced test for the health of the intestinal microbiota

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Genomica joins Breast Cancer Awareness Month

On the occasion of the month dedicated to women's cancer prevention, Genomica is proud to promote an awareness campaign on such an important topic for women's health.

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GenomicApp enhances its features

Dear Customer, GENOMICA is proud to announce that GenomicApp Dear Customer, GENOMICA is proud to announce that GenomicApp

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GenomicApp: the new mobile App of Genomica

Dear Customer, GENOMICA is proud to introduce you GenomicApp, the advanced mobile App designed to facilitate the customer in consulting and managing reports, invoices and accounting situations, active commercial quotations,...

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PGTADVANCE Plus: The next level in preimplantation genetic testing

Dear Customer, PGTADVANCE Plus, is an evolution of PGTADVANCE, our latest generation pre-implantation genetic tests (PGT) ...

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UROADVANCE: An advanced non-invasive genetic test for detection of tumor DNA mutations in urine related with bladder cancer

GENOMICA is proud to introduce you UROADVANCE, an innovative and advanced genetic test that allows the non-invasive detection of somatic mutations of urinary tumor DNA (utDNA) deriving from urothelial cells ...

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cfDNA-based product of conception karyotyping

GENOMICA is proud to introduce you POCADVANCE cfDNA, an advanced genetic test that, using groundbreaking technologies, determines the karyotype of product of conception (POC)

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EMBRYOTEST: The next level in preimplantation genetic testing

GENOMICA is proud to introduce you EMBRYOTEST, the most advanced preimplantation genetic test that, using groundbreaking technologies, screens multiple genes to detect mutations causing severe inherited and de novo genetic disorders

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