Genetic tests for early diagnosis of cancer, its therapeutic treatment and related monitoring and for assessment of the genetic predisposition to inherited cancers
An innovative molecular test for the management of cervical cancer, aimed at detecting the circulating free DNA of the Human Papilloma virus (HPV cfDNA) in the blood of patients with cervical cancer or patients with HPV-related tumors.
An advanced and innovative genetic test which, by analyzing circulating cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA) in peripheral blood, allows identification of somatic mutations, using NGS sequencing techniques.
An advanced genetic test that, using NGS sequencing techniques of the investigated genes, allows identification of germline mutations predisposing to the development of different types of cancer.
An advanced genetic test aimed at DNA profiling of tumor tissues, by identifying somatic mutations in the investigated genes, using NGS sequencing techniques.
An advanced genetic test for early detection of endometrial and ovarian cancers in asymptomatic women. The test is able to detect somatic mutations related to cell-free tumor DNA released from tumor tissues starting from the routine cervical sampling, collected to perform the liquid-based PAP-smear test.
An advanced genetic test that allows the non-invasive identification of somatic mutations of urinary tumor DNA (utDNA) deriving from urothelial cells, associated with bladder cancer, through the analysis of a simple urine sample. The UROADVANCE test allows for early identification of bladder cancer, significantly increasing the chances of therapeutic success. The test, using the state-of-the-art DNA sequencing technology, named Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), screens 23 genes commonly mutated in bladder tumors.
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